Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Last night, Daniel and I sat in our half-way unpacked living room drinking wine & envisioning our new space. We kept moving furniture around, daydreaming & scheming... so fun.
What we didn't plan on doing was moving the office space to our bedroom, which we're almost entirely against having anything non Master Bedroom-y in our room. But the goal is to have comfortable couch seating for more than just us, so into the corner nook of the bedroom it goes. So, my idea is to create some sort of canopy around our bed to block our view of the desk (and change up the feel of the room). The original plan was to buy three iron (iron-ish looking) curtain rods & drill them into the ceiling on three sides of the bed (or maybe only two sides) & hang flowy white sheer drapes from them. But... I may change my mind. I'm going for cool, romantic, whimsical (aren't I always?). Any ideas friends?Our bedroom before (we also ditched the plum color):

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Just saw that you're following me now and wanted to say 'hey and thanks'...it made my day!
    As for this post, I've been toying with the whole curtain rod/ceiling/bed curtain thing for about 4 years now!! I never wound up doing it, but think it looks amazing. And I love your iron bed! Can't wait to see what you do.

    Thanks for finding me and it's nice to 'meet' you!
    xo, Ms. Bright
